Tuesday 28 February 2012



 I'd rather be a friendless loser than have friends who secretly hate me

Hmm..macam2. dunia hari ini. dop heran kalu kita rapat  dengan org tu tapi dia boley tikam,memotong,sepak,mengumpat,mengata,memerli,memememe dan apa2 je laa. so,yes,hari nie last sem ak di uitm bru ak tau sape LAWAN dan sape KAWAN. dia rapat ngn ak dri sem 3,tp last sem dye boley tikam ak dri belakang. pergh! pedih gler. tp ak x marah sgt si dia tu,yg ak geram sgt si pembawa mulut yg MULUTNYA PUAKA yg boley buat org bergaduh. ak xtau sampai bler mu akan jadi gitu. tolong lah sedar weh. disebabkan MULUT PUAKA mu tu,sume org bergaduh disebabkan mu. so TAHNIAH la. mu berjaya laksanakan misi mu dengan jayanya. *clap clap* 


Tuesday 21 February 2012

Take note babe! :)

*never give up on anybody;miracles happen everyday

*be brave if you not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference

*think big thought, relish small pleasures

*learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly

*never deprive someone of hope, it might be all they have

*strive for excellence, not perfection

*don't waste time grieving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on

*when someone hugs you let them be the first to let go
dont expect life to be fair

*remember;success comes to the one that acts first

*never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

n the last one is..


P/s: yeay! da abis sume test.=D

Thursday 16 February 2012

I'm dead :(


pheewww *long sigh*

Today is Thursday. That means i'm only have another one day to cover 3 subject for my test! oh :(

Saturday, will be start on test of Taxation.
next will follow on sunday test of Finance and Audit. 

But, as we place our best and last shot, dont be bothered. The victory will come.closer to us.
so HE knows the best,keep on praying,hoping,and just do at our best,worry not,ALLAH kan ada =)

Thursday 9 February 2012

Melaka trip-part 2

yeay! akhirnya setelah bertungkus lumus menyiapkan segala bagai assignment, menghadapi test dan quiz yang sgt mencabar jiwa mude aku nih dan segala projek terbengkalai. aiceh mcm manager gitu! HAHA dapat jugak ak nak update cite ak melaka trip part 2 nih. kunun kunun macam artis lateww nak kena update setiap cite, eyhhh suke ati titeww lah nie kan blog titeww! haha *eeuww gedik kau jah* fineee.
okay,i dont have time to talk too much. So just enjoy our pixca gurls ! =D

kelihatan aku seperti kakak kawasan yg membawa anak anak buah untuk meninjau kawasan yang dijajah. eh? @.@

Jonker walk. jikalau anda berpeluang ke melaka,jangan lupe untuk singgah di sini TAPI kekuatan fizikal n emosi amat penting kerana perjalanan untuk berjalan sgt jauh. mauu tercabut kaki makk nie nyahh oii =.=

Jonker walk lagi.

kat snie la kami kami tumpang berteduh. Terima kasih daun keladi! =)

Syarah and me :)

nak tergelak pum ade tgk gambo nie. mcm amik gamba style muke innocent giler kan? *eyes roled* HAHA

i love myself very much. caption xley blaa dowwhh haha 

kat ganu ade x beca mcm nie? comey gler. ak nak naek pum takot sebab takot bunga bunga yang comey tuu tercabut. eyh alasan ntah pape haha

kota A famosa

buat muka konon konon comey yeahh! muahaha ^.*

we are hottttt yawwwww!! ;D

keluarga besar ACD6TC! bakal bakal akauntan gituwww ;D

Best la pegi melaka dengan kawan2 sekelas. hee. hope lepas nie dpt pegi lagi. :) tapi nie da last sem kitorang punye diploma. lepas nie susah da nak jumpe. sedih nyeee..sob sob. :( n the best part is memori nie akan jadi kenangan indah dlm hidup ak :')

p/s :
tgh berjuang untuk menghadapi common test ke 2, menyiapkan 2 report dan bertarung untuk presentation yg agak mencabar. *sigh*
wish me luck guys! =)